☆問題のみはこちら→第4文型SVOOから第3文型SVOへの書きかえテスト(to / for / ofのどれを使うか)(問題)
①He taught us English.
→He taught English to us.
②My father made me a chair.
→My father made a chair for me.
③I asked the teacher a question.
→I asked a question of the teacher.
④He bought her a doll.
→He bought a doll for her.
⑤She lent her friend her pen.
→She lent her pen to her friend.
⑥He told me the story.
→He told the story to me.
⑦I will find you a seat.
→I will find a seat for you.
⑧He ordered her some dessert.
→He ordered some dessert for her.
⑨I showed my friends some pictures.
→I showed some pictures to my friends.
- 相手が必要な動詞(teach, lend, tell, showなど)→toを使う
- 相手が必要ではない動詞(make, buy, find, orderなど)→for
- ask→of
☆英語を学習する上で必要な5文型の基礎知識(なぜ5文型を勉強する必要があるのか、文の要素S, V, C, Oと品詞、自動詞と他動詞、修飾語、補語の働き、各文型のポイントと訳し方についても解説しています)