サイトアイコン 大学受験の王道






①put off ~

②call off ~

③put on ~

④take off ~

⑤turn down ~

⑥hand in ~

⑦look up ~

⑧suffer from ~

⑨refrain from ~

⑩take on ~

⑪look after ~

⑫turn off ~

⑬succeed in ~

⑭run into ~

⑮hear of ~

⑯hear from ~

⑰bring up ~

⑱take after ~

⑲contribute to ~

⑳try on ~

㉑get over ~

㉒bring about ~

㉓ask for ~

㉔look for ~

㉕call for ~

㉖take off

㉗carry out ~

㉘set in

㉙stand for ~

㉚get along with ~

㉛put up with ~

㉜come up with ~

㉝run out of ~

㉞get through with ~

㉟do away with ~

㊱take A for B

㊲mistake A for B

㊳take place

㊴make up one’s mind

㊵take advantage of ~

㊶take care of ~

㊷catch sight of ~

㊸find fault with ~

㊹get in touch with ~

㊺take A for granted

㊻turn out to be ~

㊼speak ill of ~

㊽get rid of ~

㊿believe in ~

51. lay off ~

52. break off ~

53. hope for ~

54. consist in ~

55. approve of ~

56. depend on ~

57. count on[upon]

58. show off ~

59. consist of ~

60. put aside ~

61. put away ~

62. deal with ~

63. cope with ~

64. result from ~

65. result in ~

66. call on ~

67. take in ~

68. make for ~

69. fill out[in] ~

70. brush up ~

71. pick up ~

72. fay for ~

73. take to ~

74. live on ~

75. do without ~

76. die of ~

77. send for ~

78. take over ~

79. major in ~

80. specialize in ~

81. break into ~

82. occur to ~

83. wear out ~

84. let out ~

85. apply for ~

86. rely on ~

87. turn to ~

88. think over ~

89. work out ~

90. figure out ~

91. stick to ~

92. cling to ~

93. correspond with ~

94. fall on ~

95. set about ~

96. tell on ~

97. rule out ~

98. dispose of ~

99. part with ~

100. cut down ~

101. aim at ~

102. hold back ~

103. back up ~

104. take up ~

105. answer for ~

106. point out ~

107. run over ~

108. long for ~

109. keep on ~

110. insist on ~

111. leave behind ~

112. ask after ~

113. agree with ~

114. agree to ~

115. go over ~

116. see ~ off

117. cut off ~

118. keep off ~

119. concentrate on ~

120. persist in ~

121. amount to ~

122. make out ~

123. look over ~

124. look into ~

125. go through ~

126. come by ~

127. dispense with ~

128. side with ~

129. lay aside ~

130. A account for B

131. come across ~

132. care for ~

133. set up ~

134. put forward ~

135. turn in ~

136. write down ~

137. talk over ~

138. stand by ~

139. add to ~

140. call up ~

141. leave out ~

142. hit on ~

143. arrive at ~

144. refer to ~

145. pick out ~

146. take in ~

147. put out ~

148. single out ~

149. keep up ~

150. take back ~

151. take up ~

152. turn up ~

153. look on A as B

154. see to ~

155. wait on ~

156. carry on ~

157. feel for ~

158. let down ~

159. break down

160. show up

161. stay up

162. look out

163. hang up

164. come out

165. look on

166. come to

167. break in

168. settle down

169. pull up

170. eat out

171. break out

172. break up

173. pass away

174. come about

175. set out

176. put up

177. stand out

178. make off

179. cut in

180. go off

181. keep up with ~

182. make up for ~

183. come down with ~

184. fall short of ~

185. cut down on ~

186. go on with ~

187. go in for ~

188. get away from ~

189. look back on ~

190. get on with ~

191. get down to ~

192. look up to ~

193. look down on ~

194. live up to ~

195. come up to ~

196. catch up with ~

197. drop in at ~

198. stand up for ~

199. give in to ~

200. sign up for ~

201. make do with ~

202. fill in for~

203. talk A out of B

204. excuse[forgive] A for B

205. name A arter[for] B

206. present A with B

207. order A from B

208. supply A with B

209. tell A from B

210. distinguish A from B

211. add A to B

212. compare A to B

213. devote A to B

214. ask A of B

215. ask A for B

216. leave A for B

217. attribute A to B

218. congratulate A on B

219. regard A as B

220. exchange A for B

221. depend on A for B

222. look to A for B

223. impose A on B

224. treat A to B

225. make progress in A

226. take pride in ~

227. treat A to B

228. make progress in[with] ~

229. take pride in ~

230. take a look at ~

231. play a part in ~

232. take notice of ~

233. have no choice but to do ~

234. give way to ~

235. make use of ~

236. take the risk of ーing

237. have access to ~

238. make way for ~

239. see the sights of ~

240. give birth to ~

241. take the place of ~

242. make a fool of oneself

243. put on weight

244. go on a diet

245. go on a strike

246. come to an end

247. make apoint of ーing

248. keep early hours

249. make (both) ends meet

250. come of age

251. make a difference to ~

252. make one’s living

253. make sense

254. kill time

255. hold one’s breath

256. keep an eye on ~

257. take the trouble to do ~

258. It makes no difference to ~ wh-節 SV …

259. take ~ into consideration

260. take ~ into account

261. keep ~ in mind

262. pay a visit

263. do the shopping

264. have a good[great / big] time

265. bring ~ to light

266. take one’s breath away

267. lose face

268. beat around the bush

269. put ~ into practice

270. come[go] into effect

271. burst into laughter

272. run in the family

273. give rise to ~

274. get the better of ~

275. make fun of ~

276. take part in ~

277. make a face at ~

278. pull one’s leg

279. take one’s time

280. lose one’s temper

281. break one’s word

282. get[have] one’s own way

283. learn ~ by heart

284. take aside with ~

285. come to terms with ~

286. have words

287. get on one’s nerves

288. make much of ~

289. think much of ~

290. think better of ~

291. behave oneself

292. what ~ do with …

293. see (to it) that SV ~

294. make sure that SV ~

295. leave much to do desired

296. bring[drive] A home to B

297. see much of ~

298. keep on ーing

299. make believe that SV ~

300. avail oneself of ~

301. hold good

302. make the most of ~










